ABX Double Blind Test Results: Analog Tape Generations

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SMWTMS ABX Test Results

1/4" 2-track 15 IPS tape generation lossesResultCorrect p less thanListeners
Original vs. 1st copy (2nd generation) Different 193 / 340 = 57% 0.007 6
Original vs. 3rd copy (4th generation) Different 58 / 78 = 74%0.0005 7

The 1/4" 2-track 15 IPS tape generation losses were heard on JBL 4412's. The tape recorders were Otari MTR-10 and Otari MTR-20 synchronized with SMPTE Time Code.

Different The different symbol means it is unlikely the percent correct score occurred by chance and thus the null hypothesis was disproven, which substantiates a real difference in sound quality.
Same The same symbol means that it is likely the correct score occurred by chance, the null hypothesis is not rejected, which means no difference was found. It does remain possible a difference may be substantianted with further testing.

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Web Page Created by David Carlstrom. Last Modified: 1/26/2011